"Parts of the Whole"



São Paulo, Brasil
01/08/2010 - 31/08/2010

“The series of paintings and drawings that I present in this exhibition, developed between 2009 and 2010, was born from my encounter with references borrowed from illustrated manuals of perspective studies.

I gathered some observation drawings, others from memories.

I made paintings with a strong appeal for drawing, for tracing the shadows, in the sense of unfolding the vision to other layers of the visible. It is as if you are chasing what appears behind apparent life, behind the visible world, in hidden realities. We know that what cannot be seen is infinitely more important than what is seen.

Sometimes, I used the technique of perspective, partially, valuing in the constructions of spaces, of voids, the estrangement of the image more than what is existing. What fascinates me in spaces, in spatial constructions, is what is absent.

These spaces are empty references, producing echoes in the depths of our solitude.

If these paintings speak of a place, I would like that place to be an inside-painting, an inside-illusion.

The notion of place in painting, in the figuration presented, comes from the very experience of painting, offered to the viewer.”

Sergio Fingermann, 2010