Individual by Laura Miranda at Instituto Tomie Ohtake

26 November 2021

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211109-Dan Galeria-vistas-ph Ana Pigosso-3-hr

On Saturday, November 13th, the exhibition “Laura Miranda – The ground, a lake, the trees and the stars” opens at the Instituto Tomie Ohtake.

Curated by Agnaldo Farias, the artist from Paraná and residing in Curitiba presents a set of her production that conforms to performance practices and works with experimentation in languages and media. The exhibition features works produced between 2014 and 2021 punctuated by objects from the beginning of his career in the mid-1990s, totaling 71 works. This configuration creates a relational space between an artistic thought originating in the production, presented with its reverberation power over the years, and its development in more recent languages.

The exhibition is open for visitation until January 30th, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 11am to 8pm. It is not necessary to schedule and it is mandatory to wear a mask.

Laura Miranda – The ground, a lake, the trees and the stars

Laura Miranda - The ground, a lake, the trees and the stars

Laura Miranda presents in her individual at Instituto Tomie Ohtake a clipping of her production. In the video, the artist and the contemporary art director of Dan Galeria, Flávio Cohn, talk about the series ;Liquens, Estrela Canina; and Tenchi".

Agnaldo Farias testimonial about the exhibition "Laura Miranda – The ground, a lake, the trees and the stars"

Agnaldo Faria’s testemonial on the exhibition Laura Miranda - The ground, a lake, the trees and the stars

The exhibition “Laura Miranda – The ground, a lake, the trees and the stars”, which is open for visitation at Instituto Tomie Ohtake from Tuesday to Sunday, from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm until January 30th. Visit!

Individual by Laura Miranda at Instituto Tomie Ohtake

Individual by Laura Miranda at Instituto Tomie Ohtake

On Saturday, November 13th, the exhibition “Laura Miranda – The ground, a lake, the trees and the stars” opens at the Instituto Tomie Ohtake.